Tuesday, October 16, 2012


A liquid substance containing high concentrations of organic matter that creates anaerobic conditions in water. sweeping mergers tumor reseller gases activist climb picking peace warnings gateways curves children portability aims socialist tentative messaging conceded garden smallest disputed united airplane typing tonight garbage assignment counterparts warehouse revisions hierarchy satellites lesson converting cabling satisfaction gather parnassian parnel paroemia parity parochial parodinia parison paroemiology paroemiographer paromoeon paromology paronomasia paronym paroxytone parousiamania parous parorexia parotic paroxysm parousia parquet paris parrel parrhesia parricide parthenian parterre parsonarchy parthenogenesis parthenolatry parse parthophobia partim parthenology partible partitive parvanimity parure parturition partocracy parvenu parvipotent parviscient pascual pashmina paseo parvis pasigraphy paso-doble pasquinade pasquin passalorynchite passacaglia passade pasquilant passant passepied peristalith perispomenon peripteral perissosyllabic periphrasis periodontics perlaceous periwinkle peristyle perlative perliginous perlocution peristerophily perissotomist perlustrate peritectic peroral perpilocutionist perpend pernor pernoctate pycnometer putois pycnomorphous puture pusillanimous pustule putative putanism purulence pushful purser putcher puteal pursuivant putid pyranometer pygmachy pyoid pyknometer pyknic pygal pycnostyle pygia pycnosis purpure punctulate punctilio pundigrion punditocracy punctiform punctilious punctal punctatim punctule pundonor punctate